Cirebon West-Java

Posted by noraturie Wednesday, June 22, 2011 0 comments
Banyu Heat Palimanan
Banyu Heat Palimanan scenery is located in the village of West Palimanan Palimanan district about 16 km from Cirebon to Bandung, a hot bath with a sulfur content can trust menyebuhkan various skin diseases.
This hot spring is around the hills of Mount Chalk Mountain Kromong who had the privilege of moving water is always moving. Investors are invited to develop this site to be used as spa tourism.
to get to the place of Banyu heat Palimanan very easy with the entrance area there are a factory of cement in Banyu heat signs Palimanan. the distance is approximately 500 meters from the entrance.
Palimanan Banyu truly unique heat from hot springs in the mountains if Banyu Palimanan hot in the lowlands. bursts of water coming out of the bowels of the earth can reach 3 metres in height. The beauty is on offer is heat form Palimanan breaks out and empties into the stream for which the River Green and blue putih.sungguh and beautiful, here you can play in the hot water, also several skin diseases can be treated and the availability of a small pond.
In fact the punishment of these attractions received less attention from the Government, when the heat Banyu has a significant tourism potential which is handled well and reasonably priced for the cost of entry only  Rp 1000,-. Due to the heat of the incoming cement Palimanan Banyu factory area, which is why not many people know. May, wrote to the Government and policies for the cement with the good government, although its beauty cannot compete with the white crater ciwidey.

Port Beach Kejawanan any vacation is always a tour of attack Thousands outside Cirebon and Cirebon own society thronged the beach in Port Kejawanan Cirebon.Pantai kejawanan - Cirebon, West Java.
The tourist who generally want to spend time with a holiday family with a visit to the port of Cirebon Kejawanan, while you enjoy an afternoon on the beach and swim in the same beach Kejawanan.
In addition, the beach is used as a place of treatment of Kejawanan diseases. Kejawanan beach water, treatment of diseases such as rheumatism, gout, diabetes, stroke, bronchitis, skin diseases and coughing, which by soaking in water or rinse mouth.
Judul: Cirebon West-Java
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