Yogyakarta2 Centre-Java
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sepanjang Beach has a long coastline, white sand that is still awake, and the waves are. This beach can be used sunbathing on the sand enjoying the sun, slicing through the waves with a surfboard, or just see the beauty of the beach. Everything can be enjoyed once arrived at the beach a few kilometers from the beach Sundak.
Sepanjang Beach is one of the newly opened beach. The name "Sepanjang" is given because the characteristic of this beach which has the longest coastline among all the beaches in Gunung Kidul. The atmosphere of this beach is very natural. Palm-dotted shoreline vegetation and thatched huts of dried leaves. Tidal reefs in coastal areas is still preserved. Blows of the waves are reflected blue ocean water mark that has not been contaminated.
Sepanjang Beach also has historic sites, namely Banyusepuh. "Banyu" means water and "old" means to wash. As the name implies, a place that had a spring was used for washing or bathing. Users are supposedly the guardians who usually wash their inheritance. This site will not be known to exist when not asked to locals. This site only puddles dry overgrown.

Ngobaran Beach is an exotic beach. When the water receded, it could be seen spread of the algae (seaweed), both green and brown. When viewed from above, the spread of the algae growing on the sidelines of the reef looks like a rice field in a densely populated area. Dozens of marine animals are also present on the sidelines of coral, ranging from sea urchins, starfish, until the shellfish group. Location of high rugged beach is only about two kilometers from Ngrenehan beach.
At this beach, which is allocated, the charm of its culture, ranging from food products to the building of the local population. One of them is interesting is that the place of worship for four of religion or belief were standing close to each other. The most obvious buildings are places of worship such as temples with statues of gods white. Places of worship was established in 2003 to commemorate the presence of Brawijaya V, a descendant of the king of Majapahit, in Ngobaran. People who worship in this place Kejawan religion. The name \ "Kejawan \" according to the story comes from the name of one of Brawijaya V, namely Bondhan Kejawan. Builders place of worship was admitted as a descendant of Brawijaya V and appoint one citizen to keep this place.
Judul: Yogyakarta2 Centre-Java
Ditulis oleh noraturie
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