Bogor West-Java
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Situ Gede area is an area that still shades the countryside. Lake water that stretches the width set in shady woods are equipped with water attractions. Located in Situ Gede village district. West Bogor near the Tropical Forest Research Institute.
Situ big tourist sites are located approximately 10 miles from the center of the city of Bogor, or about 3 miles north of Terminal Bubulak. Situ Gede really close together, or are in a system with several others nearby situ. Namely Situ leutik (now disappeared), Situ length, and Situ Bird. The latter is located in the Village Cikarawang, Dramaga district, Bogor regency.
Cilember tourism area of the cascade of 7 hectares located in the Villa district Jogjogan Cisarua Bogor district, under the direction of stand Cipayung BKPH Bogor.KPH Bogor. Ecotourism is located at an altitude of 900 m above sea level, the configuration of the field is generally hilly and mountainous. This region has a 4000 mm precipitation / year, with temperatures from 18 until 230 C.
Ecotourism consists of 2 ha of plantation forests (Agathis, Rasamala and Pinus), potential visual landscape to the location is quite interesting with the natural scenery of the mountains & estates, while the landscape / visual potential landscape in the region that has characteristics typical forest plant stands and panoramic town of Bogor.
Ecotourism is used for camping tourism. For camping activities are available two camp complex.
Cilember waterfall has seven waterfalls, with the highest cascade 30 meters. But the waterfall (the waterfall) the most visited is the fourth waterfall. The fourth waterfall is believed to be efficacious as a medicine ageless, speed can mate and can cure the disease.
Just above the waterfall location 7 artifacts of a shrine that every day is often visited by people, for the pilgrim, and seek blessings. According to the history of this tomb named Jaya Sakti grandmother's grave that still has the lineage of King Siliwangi Pajajaran kingdom.
Based on the description of Mr. Mahdi is believed to be the caretaker grandmother Jaya Sakti also still have blood relations with Tubagus Kiaralawang Arifin in Bogor (Bogor Botanical Gardens). Usually pilgrims reached its peak in every month of Rabi-start.
It is said that Cilember waterfall is also home to bathe the daughters of heaven. Even among the population bebnerapa Enus (70 th) the first person who lived around the waterfall Cilember, have seen about 7 beautiful princess who was in the shower and waterfall bercengkraman in the fourth.
Facilities already available in the form of ecotourism is the gatehouse, lodge work, ticket booth, walkways, parking lots, bathrooms, shelter (viewing post), seating, bins and information space.
Ecotourism can be reached from Bogor 10 miles. The condition is generally good road (paved), can be passed by four-wheel vehicles. Existing means of public transport are taxis from the road transport department Bogor - Puncak.

botanical gardens of Bogor's or a large Botanical Garden, located in Bogor, Indonesia. At least 87 hectares and has 15 000 species of trees and plant collections. Currently Bogor's Botanical Garden visited as a tourist, especially on Saturdays and Sundays. Near Bogor's Botanical Gardens scattered centres of science, which Bogoriense Herbarium, the Bogor Zoological Museum, and links. Bogor Botanical Garden was originally part of the "samida ' (artificial artificial forest or Park), that at least existed during the reign of Maharaji Sri Baduga (Prabu Siliwangi, 1474-1513), Kingdom of Sunda, as indicated in the caption Batutulis.
Bogor Botanical Gardens are scattered around the centers of scholarship that Bogoriense Herbarium, Bogor Zoology Museum, and REFERENCES.
Bogor botanical garden as one of the finest botanical gardens in the world in the field of tropical plant conservation and scientific research, environmental education and tourism.
Taman Indonesia Safari which was built in 1980 in a plantation of tea which has been unproductive. The Park is a buffer Pangrango Gunung Gede National Park. The Park is located at an altitude of 900-1800 m above sea level and has an average temperature of 16-24 degrees Celsius.
This park has been designated as National Tourism by Soesilo Soedarman, Minister of Tourism, Post and Telecommunications of time. In addition, this park also has inaugurated the Center for Breeding Endangered Animals in Indonesia by Hasyrul Harahap, Minister of Forestry at the time, on March 16, 1990.
Safari Park has a collection of animals of almost all over the world and also the local fauna, like Komodo, Bison, black bear honey, white tiger, elephant, Anoa'i and so on.
Judul: Bogor West-Java
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