Bandung West-Java
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
This place is located in the region Ciwidey, Bandung in West Java. The view here is quite beautiful, it's cold and sajuk. On the mountain, there is a stretch of white sand, and there is a green lake in the middle, a view that is quite a contrast and good. Even where it is often used as a bride and groom taking pictures for pre-wedding.
A very beautiful place was reportedly discovered by a Dutchman named Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghuh. He does not believe the stories of locals who say the area is haunted Patuha, because the place to live by the jinn and spirits. So there is no animal that even a passing bird flying across it can die. It found the existence of the lake, in which there are bursts of sulfur, so the animals do not like the smell.

Patengan situ, derived from the Sundanese, "Pateangan-teangan" which means to find each other. Narrated in the days there are a pair of lovebirds dadulu namely Ki Santang and Goddess Rengganis who love each other. They parted for so long, and each search. Finally they met at a place called Stone Love. Goddess Rengganis also asked for the lake and a boat to sail together. The boat is what until then had been a heart-shaped island (island Asmara / island Sasaka).
Stone Love Island AsmaraKonon reportedly, if there is a pair of lovers who surround the island of Asmara and dropped into the stone of Love, then it will get eternal love as the couple in the story. There are also told that the island is haunted Asmara, and should only be visited by a visitor if it be authorized and accompanied by the gatekeeper.

Bosscha Observatory is one of the observation that the oldest stars in Indonesia. Bosscha Observatory is located in Lembang, West Java, about 15 km in the northern part of Bandung city with geographic coordinates 107 ° 36 'east longitude and 6 ° 49' south latitude. This place stands on the land area of 6 hectares, and located at an altitude of 1310 meters above sea level or at an altitude of 630 m from the plateau of Bandung. Code of the International Astronomical Union observatory to observatory Bosscha is 299.
Bosscha Observatory (formerly called Bosscha Sterrenwacht) built by the Nederlandsch-Indische Vereeniging Sterrenkundige (NISV) or the Association of Star-Dutch East Indies. At the first meeting NISV, it was decided to build an observatory in Indonesia for the sake of advancing the science of Astronomy in the Dutch East Indies. And in that meeting, Karel Albert Rudolf Bosscha, a landlord at the Malabar tea plantation, willing to be the major funders and promised to provide assistance purchasing telescopes. In recognition of his services K.A.R. Bosscha in the construction of the observatory, hence the name Bosscha immortalized as the name of the observatory.
Construction of the observatory is to spend less than 5 years since 1923 until 1928.
The first international publication Bosscha Observatory conducted in 1933. But then the observation was to be discontinued because of World War II. After the war, carried out extensive renovations to the observatory is due to the ravages of war until the end of the observatory can operate normally again.
Then on October 17, 1951, this observatory NISV handed to the government of Indonesia. After the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) was established in 1959, Bosscha Observatory became part of the ITB. And since then, Bosscha functioned as a research institution and Astronomy formal education in Indonesia.
Judul: Bandung West-Java
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